As part of my info blog series, I want to talk about the difference between mini-sessions and full sessions and which session might be best for you in the season of life you and your family are in.

Mini Session or Full Session- How to choose the best family session type

I am still just so in love with how sweet my Mini Bride studio sessions were this year!! These two little ladies just had the most beautiful glow putting on their mom’s wedding dresses!!

Mini Bride Studio Session

We got so lucky this year with the most beautiful blooming tulips at Frame Park in Waukesha, WI for our spring mini sessions!! I couldn’t believe it when …

Spring Mini session with Newborn twins

My Mommy & Me mini sessions are definitely one of my favorite mini session offerings I do each year!! It’s not often mom gets to be the star of the show especially when it comes to pictures with her kiddos!