Happy New Year!!

I cannot believe I am already writing Happy New year!! It is officially 2023 and I am so ready to kick off another year of capturing memories for all of you!!

2022 was such a great year of welcoming back repeat clients as well as meeting so many new families and new babies! It’s so exciting to be able to see how much families grow from year to year and additionally exciting to add so many new members to the AKorn Studios family!

I hope to continue each year to add more and more members! I love meeting new people and learning all about the new chapters each family wants to document in their lives.

2022 was filled with many many mini sessions (36!! to be exact) which I LOVE! It’s such a great way to quickly capture images of your family while keeping your little ones engaged! This year though I hope to be able to book more full sessions to allow me to really get to know and spend time with each family.

In October, I had a chance to sneek in a full family session in-between my fall minis and it was so nice to be able to slow things down a bit, spend time with each member, and really get to showcase each one of their true personalities. If you are typically someone who books a mini with me let’s try a full session this year! I promise you, you will not be disappointed!!

Last year at this time I wrote that more blog posts would be written to allow you all to learn more about who I am as a photographer as well as the different types of sessions I offer! I will continue to do this throughout this year as I feel getting to know me is so important when trying to decide who you want to photograph and document these moments I your lives.

I want to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for continuing to come along with me on this journey of becoming the photographer I have always dreamed of being! I know there are lots of options out there of other photographers so I thank you a million times over for choosing ME!

Cheers to 2023 and I will (hopefully) see you all soon!!

Until next time,

Anna K

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